Setup KeepassXC under FreeBSD

In this Tutorial, I show you how you can install KeepassXC under FreeBSD.

KeepassXC is a community branch of KeePassXC—a native cross-platform port of KeePass Password Safe to add new features and improve it and bug fixes for a feature-rich, cross-platform and modern feature rich Open-source password manager.

Main features:

Install KeepassXC

$: doas pkg install keepassxc

How do I use KeepassXC

I will briefly show you how to set up KeepassXC and how to use it. When we start KeepassXc for the first time, we see the main screen.

Then we will create a new database. A new screen opens, and we can assign a database name here and optionally assign a description.

On the next screen, we can make encryption settings. Here we can, for example, set the encryption time and select the database format.

We can also make advanced settings. For example, we can make the following settings here:

In the next step, we can now assign a password, with which the password database is encrypted. What I can recommend is to also create a key file which is then saved on an external USB stick or in an encrypted cloud service. This means that the database backed up twice.

We have now created an encrypted database so that we can use KeepassXC; with Firefox, we must first activate the browser integration in the KeepassXC settings. We then select Firefox and can then set additional settings. I leave that to you, which you want to set.

For the actual integration, we use the KeeepassXC-Browser extension.
